As ELCA Lutherans, we understand that we are Church, For the Sake of the World
We are called to share our time, talents, and treasures with our community, our nation, and our world in a variety of ways. Here are just a few of ministries that we invite you to join us in:
We are a host congregation to Family Promise of Grant County, helping homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
southwestern food pantry - hazel green, wi
We support our local food pantries through our time and our resources
Monthly CHILDREN’S Sunday School - AGES 4-12
Our Sunday School meets the 2nd Sunday of the month, following worship, from October to March. Each time, we learn a new story from the Bible and improve our bible literacy!
ministries for young and older
We are dedicated to our continued growth in the scriptures and in faith through age-appropriate faith formation ministry for ages 0-100+.